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Happy "NEW" Year!!

Writer's picture: Pivot Point ProfessionalsPivot Point Professionals

Happy “New” Year, 2019!

Nope, that’s not a typo. I didn’t mean to type Happy New Year, 2020. And before I dive into all the joy, festivities, and magical memories that the holidays bring in December, I want to take a moment, as many people do at the end of the year, to reflect on this year.

For the past several years I’ve been choosing a “Word of the Year” as a way for me to anchor myself and provide a focal point for my goals and my priorities in the year ahead. I gave a lot of thought and prayerful discernment to what “my one word” for 2019 would be. I finally settled on the word “NEW,” largely inspired by the scripture: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19). Last year around this time, I thought a lot about what 2019 would bring and the goals I hoped to achieve. There were so many NEW things on the horizon and so many more blessings I could have never anticipated.

So, as I look back on all the amazing things that transpired in my life this year, I want to express gratitude for the many blessings my “NEW” year brought in 2019.

· NEW family memories—This year I was fortunate to enjoy several instances of extensive quality time with extended family members, all of whom live several states away and range in age from 8 to 92 years old.

· NEW marriage—the man I am blessed to now call my husband had such a positive influence on the direction my career and life has taken over the last couple of years. I’m beyond grateful for his encouragement, advice, and support.

· NEW professional certifications—I expected to complete one foundational coaching certification in 2019, but I am grateful to have added a group coaching certification this summer to expand my skill set and be able to serve more clients.

· NEW clients and success stories—Coming alongside my clients and coaching them as they pursue new companies, new careers, and starting new businesses and nonprofit organizations is an honor and a privilege.

· NEW travel destinations—Sedona, AZ and Malibu, CA are some of the most beautiful places in the United States. I was blessed to visit them both for the first time in 2019, and those visits continue to fuel my desire to keep exploring parts of our wonderful country.

· NEW speaking experiences—I met so many wonderful professionals this year, many of whom I met at meetings at which I was invited to speak. I led conversations on Strategic Networking for Entrepreneurs, Strategic Networking for Career Transitions, and Evaluating your Priorities and Taking Action for small business owners.

· NEW nonprofit leadership role—One of the most unexpected NEW experiences of 2019 was stepping into the role of Executive Director for Social Venture Partners Charlotte, a venture philanthropy organization made up of dedicated partners who are passionately attacking social and economic inequality by investing in and developing nonprofits serving our local community. I’m using my professional skills and leadership experiences in new ways and learning something every single day to hopefully make an impact in my community.

There’s honestly no way I could capture and recount all the amazing “New” things that happened to me in 2019 in such a short little summary—these are just some of the highlights and the blessings for which I am grateful. I am pondering and praying over “my one word” for 2020. One thing is for sure, I’m excited to keep moving forward, meeting awesome new people, serving my community and my clients, and learning new things in 2020 and beyond.

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